Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Home Bodies

Today is the day that our house becomes a little home again. It's gone through a lot this month and it'll be nice to have the normalcy back. First off there is the new roomie, then I was off to help out my parents for a week (which left Tracy in a bit of a frenzy with the new roomie) and now Tracy's house guest is leaving after 2 weeks of them on a mini-vacation. I love Kara and wish she lived here, but as Tracy said last night it will be wonderful to get back to normal routines. It's really weird how much Tracy and I are so similar in our daily routines, it has really worked in our favour, I've just thought I was the only daily schedule living neurotic out there.

Tonight is going to be tough. Tracy is going to be upset. Fortunately I don't have much going on and I've rarely seen her so it'll be good to sit on the couch and catch up and help her not feel so lonely.

In the meantime I have acquired some new things. A new curtain which is more exciting than it sounds. My room has been too bright and I'm finding myself feeling rather cozy throughout the entire night. It's very comforting and was made from a gifted bed sheet - free comfort! I also have a new African Violet and a mini-tree plant. I'm not sure what they are called but I've wanted one for years and could never justify spending $20+ on an ornamental plant. Plus, my previous homes wouldn't provide sufficient light for it to survive. It is oh so cute and I can't wait to trim it, it may even get a name.

Next on the list of things to do is buy some smaller pins to hang more pictures, learn to cable stitch (finally finished my circle scarf) and learn to crochet as I it looks hella easy.

The sun came out this morning and I had the most lovely ride to work. No middle fingers, no thorns or glass to pop my tires and my ipod chose the best music while on shuffle - loving the new Kills.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Testing, testing

It's the summer of box o wine. This is the second box to test and so far this Shiraz is much better than the "red" wine we had earlier.

Will report as we taste test.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Home sweet home....

Went to the parent's place this past weekend. Enjoyed a great deal of sun which hasn't been out in months along the coast, went on tons of walks in the bush with the puppies and ate bread - lots of bread.

That is Josh above and Miss Tasha-pants below. These two are tough to take pictures of and have no patience and get really nervous when cameras are out. They mean the world to me and I've never had a closer connection to baby puppies before. Oh and they are just oh so soft for big dogs :-)

And Ma's backyard,

And I just couldn't help myself. I've tried to move on from buying one in every colour as it's just boring, but I couldn't resist!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My new laptop travel bag!!!!  Haven't been this excited about bags/luggage/convenience/comfort/transit space in a while - and I get to try the sucker out tomorrow!!!!  The thing also hooks up to my suitcase.  Oh my shoulders and mind will be peaceful at 530am.
Can't upload pictures from iphone.  Such a shame :(

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Here we go.....

Downtown Vancouver :: Garden :: Empty Apartment :: Vertigo :: My Comfy Bed :: Walk Home From The Gym :: Knew I Felt Something On My Leg :: Time